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Change Your Surroundings, Change Your Life: The Power of Personal Environment

(This article was developed and written by: Tarsha Blackhorn)

From the towering mountains to the serenity of the coast, our surroundings have always influenced our mental and physical states, providing evidence for the compelling connection between our personal environment and holistic lifestyle. Many Afro-diasporic teachings and practices, such as those from Vodou, Santeria, and Candomble, also emphasize the significance of surroundings and the use of intentional manifestation. A fundamental element within these traditions is the "Law of Attraction," suggesting that what we focus on, we attract. In other words, by maintaining positive thinking and intentional visualization, we can transform our lives and foster well-being.

Understanding this intimate link between our surroundings and ourselves is a vital step toward intentional living. This article explores the power of personal environment, offering insights from Afro-diasporic traditions and modern science, and providing practical tips on how you can harness this power to shape your life positively.


Table of Contents


Understanding the Personal Environment

Personal environment is a broader concept than just the physical space we inhabit. It also comprises the people we interact with, the media we consume, the sounds we hear, and the energy we perceive around us. In Afro-diasporic teachings, our environment is perceived as a living entity, influencing us just as we influence it. Our thoughts, emotions, and actions, reflected through intentional affirmations, manifest in our environment, resonating with the principle of the Law of Attraction.

It's crucial to recognize that we shape our surroundings with our mindset and behavior, and they, in return, shape our lifestyle. The principle of Ashe in Yoruba tradition encapsulates this interaction. Ashe, the power to make things happen, is harnessed by consciously aligning our thoughts, speech, and actions. This concept mirrors contemporary understandings of positive thinking and intentional visualization, demonstrating how our personal environment reacts to our mental and emotional state.

Afro-diasporic traditions have long embraced the concept of holistic living, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all aspects of existence. Similar to modern wellness trends, these traditions advocate for the harmonization of physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of our being. Transforming our personal environment, therefore, becomes a holistic practice that goes beyond mere physical changes. It requires an intentional and mindful alteration of various aspects of our life, affirming the belief that a change in our surroundings can indeed bring about a change in our life.

The teachings of the Afro-diaspora add a rich layer to our understanding of the personal environment, reminding us that change is not just about altering our physical surroundings but also about transforming our mind through positive thinking and intentional affirmation. This is a powerful and inspiring paradigm shift, providing us with practical tools to manifest the life we aspire to live.

In the following sections, we will delve deeper into the science behind the impact of personal environment on our well-being, share transformational stories, and provide practical steps to make these changes in your life. By the end, you will be empowered to take charge of your surroundings and ultimately, your life.

The Science Behind Personal Environment

Understanding the relationship between personal environment and well-being has become a central theme in modern psychological research. Scientific studies indicate that our surroundings significantly influence our mood, stress levels, and overall mental and physical health. These findings echo the wisdom of Afro-diasporic traditions, where our personal environment plays a vital role in our holistic lifestyle.

For example, research conducted by the National Institute of Health revealed that exposure to natural settings could reduce stress and increase feelings of well-being. This concept aligns seamlessly with the African tradition of communing with nature for spiritual nourishment, often referred to as "going to the bush." This practice emphasizes the Law of Attraction in the sense that absorbing the positive, calming energy of nature attracts similar energy into our own lives.

Similarly, scientific literature affirms that intentional visualization and positive thinking have tangible effects on our health and well-being. For instance, research indicates that those who regularly engage in positive affirmations are likely to have better mental health, reduced stress, and increased self-esteem. This concept resonates with the Afro-diasporic principle of "speaking life," affirming positive outcomes through words.

In this light, science and Afro-diasporic theologies converge on the powerful influence of personal environment on our holistic well-being. They underscore the importance of being intentional about our surroundings, whether physical or metaphysical, to attract and manifest positive outcomes.

Case Study: Transformation Through Changing Surroundings

To further illustrate the power of personal environment transformation, let's delve into the inspiring story of Malidoma Patrice Somé, a renowned writer, and teacher in the Dagara tradition of Burkina Faso. His life embodies the principles of intentional manifestation, the Law of Attraction, and positive thinking, illustrating the power of personal environment transformation.

After being forcefully taken from his community as a child and placed in a Jesuit school, Malidoma found himself in a hostile environment that conflicted with his cultural and spiritual upbringing. This shift in his personal environment led to a profound negative impact on his mental and physical health.

Recognizing this, he made the courageous decision to escape from the school and return to his people. By changing his surroundings back to his traditional environment and immersing himself in the rituals, wisdom, and teachings of his ancestors, he experienced a profound transformation. He began practicing intentional affirmations and visualization as part of his holistic lifestyle, subsequently attracting positivity and prosperity into his life.

Today, Malidoma Patrice Somé is a leading figure in African spirituality, exemplifying how changing your personal environment can significantly improve your life. His story illustrates that with positive thinking, intentional visualization, and affirmation, we can manifest the changes we desire, further underscoring the power and potential of altering our surroundings.

As we delve into the next section, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how you can begin transforming your personal environment to harness the power of these principles in your life. Stay tuned!

How to Transform Your Personal Environment: A Step-by-Step Guide

Equipped with an understanding of the personal environment's influence and the power of intentional manifestation, you may wonder how to actualize these principles in your life. Afro-diasporic teachings and modern wellness practices provide practical steps toward a holistic lifestyle.

Firstly, declutter your physical surroundings. This simple yet transformative act aligns with the Afro-diasporic tradition of spiritual cleansing, often performed in ceremonies to clear negative energy. Just as the Orisha Babalu Aye is known for purifying one's self and communities in Yoruba tradition, we too can 'cleanse' our personal environments from physical clutter and disarray.

Secondly, nurture relationships that encourage positive thinking and growth. The Afro-Caribbean concept of "communal living" illustrates this principle perfectly, promoting shared experiences, empathy, and collective well-being. Your social environment should reflect your aspirations and facilitate your growth, not hinder it.

Thirdly, practice intentional visualization. Just as the Haitian Vodou tradition employs "veves," symbolic drawings used in rituals to attract the Lwa's energies, you can create visual reminders of your goals and aspirations in your space. Vision boards can be a modern tool for this practice, harnessing the Law of Attraction to manifest your desires.

Lastly, engage in daily intentional affirmations. Speaking life into your dreams aligns with the Akan concept of 'Kra', or soul, and the belief that our words have the power to influence our destiny. Affirm your goals and desires daily, and watch them manifest in your life.

Final thoughts

The teachings of Afro-diasporic traditions and the findings of modern science converge on a powerful truth: our personal environment holds transformative potential. By mindfully altering our surroundings and practicing principles like the Law of Attraction, intentional manifestation, positive thinking, and intentional affirmations, we can effectively steer our lives toward our desired outcomes.

The power of changing your surroundings extends beyond the physical. It permeates every aspect of your holistic lifestyle, fostering mental clarity, emotional balance, and overall well-being. Like the ever-adapting and evolving nature of life captured in the Afro-Brazilian Candomblé's Orixá Oya, we too have the power to shape and reshape our circumstances.

This journey of transformation is yours to embark upon, and the steps outlined in this guide are your tools. Remember, the power to change your life lies within you and is echoed in your personal environment. Harness this power, manifest your desires, and witness the transformative effect of this holistic approach.

Embrace these principles, and let the journey to your holistic lifestyle begin! As Afro-diasporic traditions have long recognized, by changing our surroundings, we truly have the power to change our lives.


A note from Tonya Jetter, the CEO of Vivi’s Light:

"When we share our insights and personal experiences we help those in our community who may be going through similar trials. Share your unique stories and perspectives with us and make a lasting impact through the power of your words. Submit your articles today and join our vibrant community of spiritual minds. Email submissions to: with the subject line “Vivi’s Next Featured Piece!” for consideration."

-Tonya Jeter

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